bookmark_borderThe difference between TDD and Test First Development

Recently I promoted to do TDD, instead of “Tests First” development. Some people asked me what the difference is between them. In both cases we write tests first right?

So what is the difference?

I believe the difference is this:

Test First decribes your solution. TDD describes the problem

The difference could probably be explained best when using the coderetreat I had organized at the beginning of this year. Within this session I had experienced a great example to tell the difference between Tests first and TDD. To clarify the difference in this blog, we will be writing an implementation of Conway’s Game Of Life. It has the following rules:

  1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by under-population.
  2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
  3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overcrowding.
  4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.

And it looks like this:

Game Of Life in Action – Image from Wikipedia

Your assignment:

Write code that implements to the four rules above. It should be possible to apply these on an infinite grid

Test First describes your solution:
So the rules talk about “cells” and in your mind you’re already trying to solve this puzzle. In fact, I bet you’re already thinking about some array to put this matrix of cells into. Using a matrix we can easily determine neigbours and solve this puzzle…

We start with the first rule: “Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, …“.

We know it needs neighbours, so we need some boilerplate for that right?

The first test looks like this:

public class CellTest {

  public void mustReturnTrueWhenAlive() {
    Cell cell = new Cell(1,0);


Since we’re doing TDD (atleast we think it is, we’re actually doing Tests First…), we need to create this Cell class to make it compile.

public class Cell {

  private long x, y;

  public Cell(int x, int y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

  public boolean isAlive() {
    return true;

Before we can do anything with counting the number of neighbours, we need to determine what a neighbour is. Since adjecent cells are counted as neighbours, we start writing tests for this:

public void mustReturnTrueWhenNextToAnotherCell() {
  Cell cell = new Cell(1,0);
  Cell adjecent = new Cell(1,1);

public void mustReturnFalseWhenNotNextToAnotherCell() {
  Cell cell = new Cell(1,0);
  Cell adjecent = new Cell(3,3);

And along with it the code:

public class Cell {

  private long x, y;

  public Cell(int x, int y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

  public boolean isAlive() {
    return true;

  public boolean isAdjecent(Cell adjecent) {
    long diffX = Math.abs(adjecent.getX() - x);
    long diffY = Math.abs(adjecent.getY() - y);
    return diffX == 1 || diffY == 1;

  public long getX() {
    return x;

  public long getY() {
    return y;

Wait, stop, halt!

If the above sounds familiar, then I’ve got news: This is not TDD

Lets get back to the original question, what did we try to implement? Ah, it was the question:

“Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by under-population”,

So where is the corresponding test for that?…

In fact, we have already three tests and a bunch of code, and we still are not able to answer that question.

What we’ve done so far is write tests first in order to prove a solution we already had in our minds. We did not let the tests guide us to a design. In fact, we already had a design in our heads and made the tests conform to those.

Lets do it in TDD, for real

So how is it done ? – Test Driven Development

With a clean slate, we start over. And we start with the first rule:

“Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if caused by under-population”

So we create a test (we call it Test, because we do not think about Cells yet, in fact, we are only thinking about this very question).

public void anyLiveCellWithFewerThanTwoLiveNeighboursDies() {
   int neighbours = 1;
   Assert.assertTrue(neighbours < 2);

So what does this do, it basically returns true when neighbours is lower than two. We do not call methods yet, we simply have our implementation within the test itself. In this phase, we already had Red (non compiling), Green (compiling and green test). On to refactor. How to get it more descriptive? We could do something like this:

public void anyLiveCellWithFewerThanTwoLiveNeighboursDies() {
  int neighbours = 1;
  boolean shouldDie = neighbours < 2;

Do we need to do anything else? Certainly! But the essential rule is there already. It is one simple statement, no neighbour checking yet. And in fact, we will not need it to implement the four rules! Lets continue. I am serious, we will not modify the above code yet. We have yet to implement the other rules. Lets pick the second:

“Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.”

We have actually two cases here, for two and three live neighbours. Lets start with two:

public void anyLiveCellWithTwoNeighboursLivesOn() {
  int neighbours = 2;
  boolean shouldLiveOn = neighbours == 2;

Not that much different is it? How about we add the third test for the second rule:

public void anyLiveCellWithThreeNeighboursLivesOn() {
  int neighbours = 3;
  boolean shouldLiveOn = neighbours == 3;

The total test class looks like this now:

public class Test {

  public void anyLiveCellWithOneThanTwoLiveNeighboursDies() {
    int neighbours = 1;
    boolean shouldDie = neighbours < 2;

  public void anyLiveCellWithTwoNeighboursLivesOn() {
    int neighbours = 2;
    boolean shouldLiveOn = neighbours == 2;

  public void anyLiveCellWithThreeNeighboursLivesOn() {
    int neighbours = 3;
    boolean shouldLiveOn = neighbours == 3;

We have done some little TDD cycles already. We started describing the problem domain, and we added the minimum amount of code to make this work. We did not yet start write any production code yet. Now one of the most important steps in TDD should be taken: Refactor. (Remember it is Red – Green – Refactor!)

With the third test, we clearly see duplication. The shouldLiveOn can be extracted to a method. Lets do that:

import org.junit.Assert;

public class Test {

  public void anyLiveCellWithOneThanTwoLiveNeighboursDies() {
    int neighbours = 1;
    boolean shouldDie = neighbours < 2;

  public void anyLiveCellWithTwoNeighboursLivesOn() {
    int neighbours = 2;

  public void anyLiveCellWithThreeNeighboursLivesOn() {
    int neighbours = 3;

  private boolean shouldLiveOn(int neighbours) {
    return neighbours == 3 || neighbours == 2;

We could refactor out the neighbours var to a constant, which should give us even smaller tests.

At this point we have now our first method which could eventually be moved out of the test class into some other class (we have yet to think of a name for). As you can see, the design of our code is being driven by the tests. So this may like trivial and like ‘cheating’. In fact, as I see it we are actually answering the real questions. We tend to write code for stuff we cannot possibly be sure of that it is correct. Did you see any line say that the Game of Life in this situation should be on a 2D grid? What if it would be 3D? What if we did not know yet if it would be 2D or 3D?

This sounds a lot like real-life isn’t it? Where your customer does not always know exactly what he wants.

Another good thing is, we can implement all rules like this. Eventually we end up with a test class that contains several methods. From there on we can think of a logical way to group them. Methods grouped together will form classes. We tend to group methods logically. When we define the problem domain we know better what classes should exist. Again, our tests drive the design. Instead of the other way around.

Here is an impression how the four rules implemented might look like:

package com.fundynamic.coderetreat;

import org.junit.*;

public class Test {

  public static final int StarvationThreshold = 1;
  public static final int OverpopulationThreshold = 4;
  public static final int MinimumRevivalThreshold = 3;
  public static final int MaximumRevivalThreshold = 3;

  public void liveCellShouldDieIfLessNeighboursThanStarvationThreshold() {
    int amountNeighbours = StarvationThreshold;
    Assert.assertEquals(false, livesOnToNextGeneration(amountNeighbours));

  public void liveCellShouldDieIfNeighboursEqualToStarvationThreshold() {
    int amountNeighbours = StarvationThreshold;
    Assert.assertEquals(false, livesOnToNextGeneration(amountNeighbours));

  public void liveCellShouldLiveIfTwoNeighbours() {
    int amountNeighbours = StarvationThreshold +1;
    Assert.assertEquals(true, livesOnToNextGeneration(amountNeighbours));

  public void liveCellShouldLiveIfThreeNeighbours() {
    int amountNeighbours = 3;
    Assert.assertEquals(true, livesOnToNextGeneration(amountNeighbours));

  public void liveCellShouldDieIfFourNeighbours() {
    int amountNeighbours = 4;
    Assert.assertEquals(false, livesOnToNextGeneration(amountNeighbours));

  public void liveCellShouldDieIfEightNeighbours() {
    int amountNeighbours = 8;
    Assert.assertEquals(false, livesOnToNextGeneration(amountNeighbours));

  public void deadCellShouldReviveIfMinimumRevivalThreshold() {
    int amountNeighbours = MinimumRevivalThreshold;
    Assert.assertEquals(true, revivesInNextGeneration(amountNeighbours));

  public void deadCellShouldReviveIfMaximumRevivalThreshold() {
    int amountNeighbours = MaximumRevivalThreshold;
    Assert.assertEquals(true, revivesInNextGeneration(amountNeighbours));

  public void deadCellShouldNotReviveIfLessNeighboursThanMinimumRevivalThreshold() {
    int amountNeighbours = MinimumRevivalThreshold -1;
    Assert.assertEquals(false, revivesInNextGeneration(amountNeighbours));

  public void deadCellShouldNotReviveIfMoreNeighboursThanMaximumRevivalThreshold() {
    int amountNeighbours = MaximumRevivalThreshold +1;
    Assert.assertEquals(false, revivesInNextGeneration(amountNeighbours));

  private boolean livesOnToNextGeneration(int amountNeighbours) {
    return amountNeighbours > StarvationThreshold && amountNeighbours < OverpopulationThreshold;

  private boolean revivesInNextGeneration(int amountNeighbours) {
    return amountNeighbours == MinimumRevivalThreshold;

But you did not even get to any cell? How is this any good?

It is true that cells play a role in the Game of Life eventually. But they do not play a role in answering the four questions. In fact, what are cells? We might be talking about squared cells or triangled or circled cells. Perhaps the requirement is to write a 3d version of a cell. Or you might want to use hexagons. If you put the rules logic into a cell, it gets very hard to modify your code because you have put too much responsibility in one class.

TDD prevents you from doing this. It prevents you from doing ‘design upfront’.

Also, if you started with using Cells and the matrix and all that. I would wonder how you would implement the last rule (reviving cells). How would you solve this problem?

Bottom line

Writing tests before your production code (test first) is not the same as TDD. TDD is about how your tests drive your design. Only then you can say if you are doing TDD or actually are just writing tests proving your own solution you have thought about before-hand.

It is hard to not think ahead of your design, and instead trust on our tests to let the design emerge itself. This requires practice. Practicing this can be done in coderetreats for instance.


Disclaimer about design…

TDD works great on a lot of levels in your architecture. This does not mean you can just do everything with TDD. Good architectural design requires thinking. You can’t just ‘do TDD’ and magically have a perfect design emerging. However, TDD will give you surprisingly elegant results. Especially, the more specific your problem (with a clear scope) the better TDD yields results.

bookmark_borderGotcha’s showing error messages with Spring forms (form:errors)

(I have recently encountered this with Spring 3.1)

Want to validate your forms using Spring? Are you using the form tag and bind it with an object? Got the validator working? But still you just can’t seem to get these error messages showing up? Here is a gotcha that might help you out!

Consider this controller:

public class FormController {

    public ModelAndView handleGet(@Valid TellAFriendForm backingForm, BindingResult bindingResult) {
        ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView(&quot;backingForm&quot;);
        modelAndView.addObject(&quot;backingForm&quot;, backingForm);
        modelAndView.addObject(&quot;result&quot;, bindingResult);
        return modelAndView;


With this jsp:

&lt;form:form method=&quot;POST&quot; commandName=&quot;myForm&quot; action=&quot;?&quot;&gt;
        &lt;label for=&quot;name&quot;&gt;Name*&lt;/label&gt;
        &lt;form:input path=&quot;name&quot; id=&quot;name&quot;/&gt;
        &lt;form:errors path=&quot;name&quot;/&gt;
        &lt;input type=&quot;submit&quot; value=&quot;Send&quot;/&gt;

When the user submits this form, the form should be validated. Whenever a field does not validate, it should inform the user about this.

This is done by using:

        &lt;form:errors path=&quot;name&quot;/&gt;

Where ‘path’ refers to a field in the bound form object, in this case myForm. In this example, I have named my form “myForm”. The theory is that when the form is being validated, the BindingResult (put as “result” on the model), contains all fields that have validation errors. Using the form:errors tag you can make use of that and show error messages.

Although this works often, sometimes it does not and you spend some time figuring out why. A common gotcha is that you forget to put the bindingResult on your model (as “result”).

But there is another less intuitive gotcha.

When your given commandName in the form:form tag does not represent the camelcased, name of the type of the form, the form:errors tag will *not* work. So don’t make up your own name. Make sure it is the same as the type, and make sure it is camelcased correctly. I figured this out the hard way.

Solution: The form object is of type: BackingForm, the expected name would then be backingForm. Change the commandName into backingForm and you will see the form error messages showing up.

bookmark_border(Win 7) How to really change your default locale for Java

Since I could not find an easy solution for this problem I have decided to blog about this.

Lets say your machine (running Windows 7) is running in a Dutch locale. If you install the JDK and request the default locale in your application you will get: nl_NL

I’m testing this with the following code:

import java.util.Locale;

public class DefaultLocaleTester {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault();
		System.out.println(&quot;Default locale is : &quot; + defaultLocale);

Lets say I want to make this return en_US. The official docs of Oracle say that you should change your system settings:

– go to Control Panel
– go to Region and Language
– go to tab “Administrative”
– click “Change system locale”
– change to locale you want
– restart and you’re done!

So we do this, and we run the test application again.

You will found out, this will not work. When I rerun the test application I still got nl_NL.

On stackoverflow someone had the answer to this problem. You should be changing your Format instead. So:

– go to Control Panel
– go to Region and Language
– go to tab “Formats” (is default selected)
– change language in Formats dropdown to the locale you want

Now re-run the test code, and you’ll see it will be using the locale you want.

Thanks to Martin Bartlett on Stackoverflow for his answer!

bookmark_borderFirst coderetreat of 2012 in Amsterdam – Retrospective

At the end of 2011 I started organizing a coderetreat. It started on twitter around October. I’ve also posted about it in my last mini blog. The original event can be found here.

If anyone was interested, they could sign up (max 25 people) for free. All you needed to do was bring your best humor and if possible a laptop with your preferred dev environment set up. (Its not hard to organize one, check here if you’re interested)

If you want to know more about what a coderetreat is, click here. Even better: join a coderetreat somewhere near you and experience it. It is way better than just reading about it 🙂

Honing the craft together

Lets start with a management summary:

It was awesome!

It reminded me of my experience with the bowling game kata last year. Since you’re repeating the exercise over and over again, you will find different approaches. Even better, because you’re switching pairs, you will have a different mindset literally to approach the problem presented by the coderetreat. Instead of writing a bowling game, you will be working on Conway’s Game Of Life.

The most notable things of that day where:

  • In the very first session we where let ‘free’. We could approach this problem how we wanted. Me and my pair where able to implement the first three rules. However we where not able to implement the fourth rule. Our design was not easy enough to revive dead cells. (gosh, this reminds me of the bowling game code kata first attempt…)
  • The second session we got to choose from different constraints. I picked the “no conditionals” one, because I can get my methods under 4 lines without pain. Programming without no conditions is a whole different story though.
  • The third session with ‘only check in within 2 minutes, else revert everything’ was an eye opener! It really forced you into thinking how to make all (baby) steps. Hence, I am using this at work now and it really works. I commit 10 times more often. Although I don’t make the 2 minute mark yet at work (5 minutes is easy though now).
  • The fourth session was fun, as we where able to implement *all rules* (opposed to the first session), but without the code we had implemented in the first session! We totally isolated the behaviour (this session was called “tdd as if you meant it”) and it blew our minds.

Will I attend more coderetreats? You bet! Just need to take a look at the list of events and pick an appropiate one. If I attend one, I will let you know (on twitter surely, perhaps on this blog).

If you want to know how it looked like, click here to see som pictures of the coderetreat.

I loved the coderetreat, and I’ll surely organize one again in the future. I would recommend anyone who loves his profession to join a coderetreat and practice. You’ll learn new things for sure!

How hard can it be, right? 😉

bookmark_borderSlick java library and 64 bit

Note: This post offers a Windows JAR/DLL package. I have delivered a newer version, also for Linux/Mac OS X. Get them from here

A long while ago I played around with Slick. A game library for Java. It offers easy 2d graphics drawing with the speed of OpenGL (by using LJWGL). It has much more features than that as well. 

When I tried it I was running Win XP 32 bit. However, recently I was trying my code again, this time on Windows 7 64 bit, and I encountered the following error:

lwjgl.dll: Can’t load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform

I could not find a decent solution easily, but I fixed it by doing this:
Get the latest source of Slick
Download the latest LJWGL version
– Use the latest LJWGL JAR and DLL files and put them into the latest source code of Slick
– Run “ant dist” of Slick

Use the newly generated JAR of Slick and the new DLL files of LJWGL together, and you’re all set for 32 AND 64 bit!

If you just want to download everything (DLL and JAR’s), I’ve made a little archive for Windows users. It is unofficial though, no support given!. Grab it from here.